Thursday, August 6, 2015

Roll Printer Sensor adjustment

As requested by the night shift technicians:

Roll Printer Sensor Set-up Adjustment Procedure

1. First determine if the "tick" mark is light or dark. You also have to consider whether the label media is a clear film or has a paper backing. For example, with a silver tick mark on clear media, you would want to choose the "light" switch setting and use a dark backing plate so that the colors contrast. See image.

 Also, one way to determine if the switch setting is correct is to align the tick mark on the sensor, then press foil pull/jog button. If the label stops immediately upon releasing the button, the switch setting may be incorrect-change it. It should pull for the fast time setting-whether or not it stops on the mark.

2. Second, the foil pull fast time must be set so that the label does not pass up the sensor in fast speed. Ideally, you will want to set the time so that once slow mode engages, you are about an inch to an inch and a half from the sensor.

This is so it can slowly approach the sensor and engage the brake. If it is moving too fast, it will not have time to stop accurately. For example, if you have the time set at 3.00 seconds and the label pulls very fast right past the tick mark, you should lower the time by a second or a half.

3. Set up the sensor so that it is approximately 3mm from the mark and be certain that the lens is pointed horizontally and not angled up or down. This provides the best range for "seeing" the mark.

4. To set the sensor sensitivity, release both label clamping brakes, roll the label back to the nearest mark until the sensor "sees" the mark. You will know because the LED's will react on the side of the sensor module. Set the brakes on both ends of the roll printer so it will stay on the mark. Now -using a small flat sensor adjustment screwdriver- adjust the screw in the middle hole until you get about a "5" reading. Depending on whether the mark is light or dark will determine whether or not the red "output" LED (on the side of the module) lights up. If it is on all the time, you will want to adjust it off. Similarly, if it is off when not on the mark, it should likely light up when it is on the mark. It all depends on the light or dark switch, but adjusting it until it functions flawlessly should not take very long if you remember these concepts.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mp#12- I/O board

I changed out the board on Mp#12 as requested.  Dip switch settings match and all machine functions have been checked and are working.  Marty was told that he is welcome to start the press at his convenience but ghey may not have time today.