Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9.23.14 Night Shift Activities

Worked on the granulator. The clasps that keep the side clean out door closed were evidently damaged and needed replaced. Went ahead and replaced gasket on the door also. Tightened loose screws on everything and replaced those which were missing. The belts looked fine and the size number is shown in the image attached here for future reference.

We had a temperature controller issue on one of the old the Nissei ASE machines. There is a contact that must close on barrel heater zone 1 to allow the screw to rotate. It is there to prevent a cold start up but- it was up to temperature an d not closing internally.  We swapped it with another controller and it corrected the issue.

At one time Mark and I had started replacing the old analog controllers with newer digital upgrades but that got pushed back with the TTI machines.

NISSEI alarm "1216"
Ejectors would not work, even though core set/pull operating correctly.
I found the problem related to the core sequence settings and the clamp position switch locations. (Adjustment)
On these older machines, it is critical that the mold correctly make the intermediate position correctly.
In sequence 3, that position is where the mold will stop and pull cores and then open to the full position, where it will eject parts...if it does not see the position switches correctly,  it will just open all the way up and then fault out.

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